GF Custom Flutter Carousel Slider Widget
What is Flutter slider?
A slider is a Flutter widget that is used to select a particular value from a given set of ranges. As the name itself suggests, the user can slide through the starting point to the ending point or in-between to select the desired value from the given range.
Slider: The slider widget which is a simple flutter widget can be implemented by providing the range values from starting to ending. This widget takes two required parameters:
- value: The default value is passed whenever the app is launched and it should take the type double.
- onChanged: This is used when the user changes the slider value which is a type double and can be used for further process.
What is Flutter Range Slider?
A range slider is a Flutter widget that is similar to a Flutter Slider widget. The only difference between these two is that in a slider widget we select a desired value from the given range but whereas in a range slider we get to select a continuous range of values from min to max values that is given in the range.
RangeSlider widget is a Flutter widget that can be used by calling the RangeSlider component . This widget takes two required parameters:
- values: The RangeValues type of data is passed in value that has a starting and an ending value.
- onChanged: This function is called when the values are changed to get a RangeValue.
What is Flutter Carousel Slider?
Carousel Slider is a Flutter Carousel Slider widget that is one of the most used and popular component in most of the applications and eCommerce sites. These are commonly called as Image Sliders too where-in there will be plenty of images which scrolls right and left automatically or even manually to enhance the user experience and the feel of the application.
Flutter Carousel Slider/Flutter Image Slider
GFCarousel Slider is a Flutter Carousel Slider or Flutter Image Slider widget that has a set of images that slides one after the other in a linear manner repeatedly in a given interval of time. GFCarousel Slider can have any number of items in a slide and it can also have multiple images in one single slide.
Below is a simple example code for Flutter Carousel Slider with indicator of one image in one slide of GFCarousel Slider
import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';
final List<String> imageList = [
(url) {
return Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: ClipRRect(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(5.0)),
fit: BoxFit.cover,
width: 1000.0
onPageChanged: (index) {
setState(() {

Gf Flutter Carousel Slider Custom Properties
The look and feel of the GF carousel slider widget for the Flutter app can be customized using the GFCarousel properties. Sliding items can be any type of list of widgets or a list of images.
Name | Description |
items | widgets to be shown as a slider |
height | set slide widget height and overrides any existing [aspectRatio] |
aspectRatio | aspect ratio is used if no height has been declared. Defaults to 16:9 aspect ratio |
viewportFraction | The fraction of the viewport that each page should occupy. Defaults to 0.8, which means each page fills 80% of the slide |
autoPlay | enables autoplay, sliding one page at a time. Use [autoPlayInterval] to determent the frequency of slides. Defaults to false works only if viewportFraction set to 1.0, |
reverse | reverse the order of items if set to true. Defaults to false |
autoPlayInterval | sets Duration to determent the frequency of slides when [autoPlay] is set to true. Defaults to 4 seconds |
autoPlayAnimationDuration | animation-duration between two transitioning pages while in auto playback. Defaults to 800 ms |
autoPlayCurve | determines the animation curve physics. Defaults to [Curves.fastOutSlowIn] |
enlargeMainPage | determines if the current page should be larger than the side images, creating a feeling of depth in the carousel. Defaults to false |
pauseAutoPlayOnTouch | sets a timer on touch detected that pauses the autoplay with the given [Duration]. Touch Detection is only active if [autoPlay] is true |
pagination | displays pagination on state true |
passiveIndicator | slider pagination's passive color |
activeIndicator | slider pagination's active color |
pagerSize | pagination dots size can be defined using [double] |
initialPage | initial page to show when first creating the [GFCarousel]. Defaults to 0 |
enableInfiniteScroll | determines if slides should loop infinitely or be limited to item length. Defaults to true, i.e. infinite loop |
scrollDirection | axis along which the page view scrolls. Defaults to [Axis.horizontal] |
onPageChanged | called whenever the page in the center of the viewport changes |
GF Flutter Carousel Slider with Multiple Items
GFCarousel Slider can have any number of images and it can also have multiple images in just one slide. It supports multi-image slides. The ItemsCarousel component of GetWidget for the Flutter app is a multi-section container with multiple items. Each section can be swiped or dragged between. It contains any number of items in each Slide component.
In the below code, the list of Images given to the children in the GFItemsCarousel, that allows sliding each slide container that contains multiple items.
The below code gives the default Flutter multi-image slider component
import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';
final List<String> imageList = [
rowCount: 3,
(url) {
return Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
child: ClipRRect(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(5.0)),
child:, fit: BoxFit.cover, width: 1000.0),

GF Flutter Carousel Slider with Multiple Image Custom Properties
Name | Description |
rowCount | count of visible cells in each slide |
children | widgets to be shown in slides |
itemHeight | defines the height of an item |
Last Updated: September 21, 2023