GF Flutter Floating Widget

GF Flutter Floating Widget

The GF Flutter Floating Widget is mostly and effectively used to show some popups, alerts, or some error messages which float over the main body. GF Floating Widget's child can take any kind of component or widgets as its parameter.

The simple way to use the GF Flutter Floating widget with its body and child properties is as shown below example code:

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';

return Scaffold(
    child:Text('This is a floating text'),
    body:Text('body or any kind of widget here..')

GF Flutter Floating Widget Position

GFFloating Widget comes with two types of positions ie, horizontalPosition and VerticalPosition in which the child of GF Floating widget can be placed anywhere inside the body ie, it basically floats in the body, and hence the name GF Floating Widget.

The below code shows how to use Floating Widget positions

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';

return Scaffold(
    child: GFIconBadge(
              child: GFAvatar(
              size: GFSize.LARGE,
              backgroundImage:AssetImage('your asset image'),
           counterChild:  GFBadge(
           text: '12',
    body:Text('body or any kind of widget here..'),
    verticalPosition: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height* 0.2,
    horizontalPosition: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width* 0.8,

GF Flutter Floating Widget Custom Properties

The look and feel of GFFloating Widget can be changed using the below properties:

showBlurnessshowBlurness defines whether the body should be blur or not when showing popups, error messages, etc whenever the child property is used in GF Floating widget. The showBlurness defaults to false.
blurnessColordefines how much blur backgroundColor should be whenever the child is used and when showBlurness is true

Last Updated: September 20, 2023