GF Flutter Loader

GF Flutter Loader

GFLoader is a Flutter Loader circular indicator that will be loading continuously that indicates something is about to load.

GF Flutter Loader and its Usage:

GFLoader is a Flutter circular spinner that spins over time which signifies that some part of the program is about to get executed.

The basic code of a simple GFLoader is as shown below. There are five types in which the default corresponds to the android type of loader.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';

GF Flutter Loaders Custom Type

There are five different types of loaders namely android, ios, circle, square, and custom

Flutter IOS Spinner

A simple ios loader in which the type of the loader should be passed to ios. The code is as shown below.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';

Flutter Circular Loader

A simple circular shape loader in which the type of the loader should be passed to circle. The code is as shown below.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';


Flutter Square Loader/Spinner

A simple square shape loader in which the type of the loader should be passed to square. The code is as shown below.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';


Gf Flutter Custom Loader

Apart from the four types described above, there is a custom loader in which we can pass text, icons, images, etc as the parameters to show a variety of customized loaders. The below code shows the custom loader with a gif in it.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';

   type: GFLoaderType.custom,
   child: Image(image: AssetImage(your gif here...),

Flutter Custom Loader with Icon

The below example code shows Flutter custom loaders with icons in them.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';

  type: GFLoaderType.custom,
  loaderIconOne   : Icon(Icons.insert_emoticon),
  loaderIconTwo   : Icon(Icons.insert_emoticon),
  loaderIconThree : Icon(Icons.insert_emoticon),

Flutter Custom Loader with text

We can also pass text as a parameter to the custom loader. The below code shows a simple usage.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';

  type: GFLoaderType.custom,
  loaderIconOne   : Text('Please'),
  loaderIconTwo   : Text('Wait'),
  loaderIconThree : Text('a moment'),

GFLoader Custom Properties:

The look and feel of GFLoader can be customized using the below properties.

childchild of type [Widget] used only for custom type and is prominent over loaderIconOne, loaderIconTwo and loaderIconThree in custom type
durationdefines the animation duration of the loader only in circle and square type
loaderColorOnedefines the color of the first dot in only circle or square type of loader
loaderColorTwodefines the color of the second dot in only circle or square type of loader
loaderColorThreedefines the color of the third dot in only circle or square type of loader
androidLoaderColordefines the color of the android type loader only
loaderstrokeWidthdefines the stroke width of the android type loader only
sizedefines the size of the loader ie, small, medium and large and it is applicable to android ios, circle and square type loaders

Last Updated: September 26, 2023