GF Flutter Toggle Button in an Android and iOS Application

GF Flutter Toggle Button in an Android and iOS Application

The Flutter toggle switch is ON/OFF switch or ON/OFF Button that allows the user to toggle the switch between ON or OFF states.

GF Flutter Toggle and its Usage:

GFToggle switch is a Flutter toggle button that permits the user to use this toggle to mark check when it is in ON state and mark unchecked when it is in OFF state. The toggle switch basically switches from ON to OFF state and vice-versa. Let us look at a simple example of GFToggle in the below code.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';

    onChanged: (val){},
    value: true,

GF Flutter Switch Toggle

GFToggle switch can be divided into four types ie, android, ios, square and custom. The default toggle is an android toggle.

Flutter IOS Toggle

Flutter IOS Toggle switch has a circular track and a circular thumb as shown in the below image.

Flutter IOS Toggle

The below example code shows a simple ios toggle

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';

    onChanged: (val){},
    value: true,
    type: GFToggleType.ios,

Flutter Square Toggle

The Square Toggle switch has a square-shaped track and a square-shaped thumb as shown in the below image.

Flutter Square Toggle

The below code shows a simple square toggle

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';

    onChanged: (val){},
    value: true,
    type: GFToggleType.square,

Flutter Custom Toggle

The custom toggle can be used to add the text to the on/off state. The default text is ON and OFF Below is a simple code for custom toggle

Flutter Custom Toggle

The below example code shows a simple custom toggle switch

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';

   onChanged: null,
   value: true,
   type: GFToggleType.custom,

GFToggle Custom Properties

The look and feel of GFToggle can be customized using the below properties

enabledTexttype of [String] used to add custom text i.e, ON, ENABLE
disabledTexttype of [String] used to add custom text i.e, OFF, DISABLE
enabledTextStyletype of [TextStyle] used to define the style properties of enabled text
disabledTextStyletype of [TextStyle] used to define the style properties of disabled text
enabledThumbColorcolor used for the active thumb color
disabledThumbColorcolor used for the disabled thumb color
enabledTrackColorcolor used for the active track color
disabledTrackColorcolor used for the disabled track color
boxShapetype of [BoxShape] ie , circle, rectangle used to change the shape of the thumb, default shape is circle
borderRadiusborderRadius should be given zero for a ios toggle to make it a square toggle with boxshape as rectangle
durationanimation duration called when the switch animates during the specific time elapse

Last Updated: September 21, 2023